Are you suffering from information overload?

With COVID and lockdowns here, it’s no wonder we’re all feeling new levels of stress and anxiety that we didn’t have before. With all the news updates, radio announcements and aaallllll of the covid posts on social media, have you stopped to think whether they’re actually doing you more harm than good? Sometimes listening and taking in SO much information, actually causes us stress that we just don’t need in our lives. Here’s a wee check in for you:

Signs you could be suffering from information overload and filter failure:

  • You feel tired and edgy after watching the news or spending time on the internet

  • You don’t spend as much time on your health & fitness, because you get easily distracted by what’s happening on social media (covid related or just mindless scrolling)

  • You keep finding yourself in an information ocean, and not sure how you got there (information overload anyone?)

  • The idea of a social media holiday sounds terrifying to you

  • You struggle to know where to put your attention, because everything’s trying to grab it

  • Everything just feels a bit “too much” at the moment

If you suffer from any of the signs of information overload and filter failure in the above lists, it might be time to remove this invisible stress from your life.

Think about this: Are you putting enough time and energy toward what you value? Like your TIME, which is limited, let’s be honest. We are always saying “how busy” we are and how we “don’t have time”. I would say to you, what are you spending your valuable time on? And is it helping you achieve your goals, or just stressing you out?

Sure, we all need to stay informed, especially in regards to Covid. BUT feeling consumed by it, and spending waaaayyyyy too long on social media, will not be serving you or helping with your stress levels. Setting boundaries around what information we consume is KEY.

So I challenge you all to really look at how much time you’re spending listening to the news/social media/radio, and see if you could put that time towards what you actually value instead. Like spending time with your kids, or going for a run. I also challenge you to have one social media free day a week, could you do it? Something to think about. Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli