Building a strong immune system with supplements

I get asked a lot, “Are supplements important, and which ones should I take to build up my immune system?”

I hear that ladies are spending hundreds of dollars on multi vitamins and tonics. That they are basically rattling because they’re taking so many pills. But sadly are then eating heavily processed foods, take aways and drinking alcohol regularly. Lack of sleep and exercise, and I honestly don’t know if all of that money is being very well spent!

Building a strong immune system is not done just by popping a multi vitamin. Immunity comes from the small things every day, like eating a variety of whole fresh foods, exercise, sleep, your daily thoughts, drinking water, healthy relationships. It’s all about your lifestyle. I believe that it is more important to get all of this right first, than spending hundreds of dollars on supplements. I think you get what I’m saying here.

In saying this, if you do want to take a vitamin or mineral because you think you are feeling run down or lacking in something, head to your local health shop for expert advice. They will be able to guide you with what you may need, and there are some very good Multi Vitamins on the market that you may find beneficial. Especially with Covid lurking now, if you do feel run down and like you need a boost, then seek expert advice. But don’t forget your veges and all of the basics too! Sarah X

Sarah Martelli